

Georgian International Academy of Sciences


The school is comprised of under departments:

  • Department of Management and Economics
  • department of Law
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of Political Sciences
  • Department of Arts and Culture
  • Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences

The school offers studies at all three levels of higher education: Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D Degrees.

The School offers certificate courses in various languages and preparation courses for national entry examinations and national Master’s entry examinations. The School organized national and international scientific conferences and actively participated in scientific/research work.

The School of Humanities has all contemporary resources to deliver a high standard education.

In particular: the best academic personnel, defined and accredited educational programs, classrooms and language labs equipped with modern technologies, international contacts, the opportunity for students to participate in international exchange programs, the opportunity to put theory in practice through internships and the most important – a constant desire to maintain and improve this high quality of education.


Department of Law


The department of Law offers Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. programs in Law. The lecturers are some of the leading legal intellectuals and practicing experts in Georgia. The School of Law is exceptional with its innovative approaches, programs suited to modern challenges and strong professionalism of lecturers. The educational process is fully focused in developing practical skills and forming competitive specialists. We host annual conferences, as well as workshops and public lectures.

The academic program and educational resources are on par the world’s leading law schools. Graduates of the School of Law are exceptional, possessing strong qualifications and practical skills which enable them to be employed at leading private companies and state institutions.

The School of Law will be launching the International Business Law (IBL) program, a new master’s program taught entirely in English. The program will be open to both Georgian and international students and will be the first of its kind in Georgia.


Department of Management ans Economics


The Department of Management and Economics aims to develop scientific and research activities in the field of Management and Economics, support existence of scientists and scientific groups operating in this field, who will work on economic problems faced by the government, conduct researches necessary for specific businesses and provide qualified consultations.

Bring up professionals, who have relevant up-to-date knowledge of the field in accordance with international standards, who will be competitive on global labor market and successful in managing commercial and non-commercial organizations, as well as in developing strategies in economics, finance and business.
Develop necessary entrepreneurial skills in students; bring up a generation that will adjust to modern business, determine, analyze and forecast economic processes and market trends, and plan, build-up and manage their business activities independently based on this knowledge.
The School of Management and Economics aims to turn its graduates into leaders in their field of activity, so that they support the prosperity of the country based on their knowledge and capacities.


Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences


The Department of Psychology is a well-known department in this field in the world. As an important program in the higher education system, the certificate Program in psychology aims to introduce students with the theoretical as well as practical issues and principles in psychology and also research methods in this field. At the end of this program, the students are expected to achieve the minimum professional skills of psychology widely used in our country.

The Department of Psychology offers majors Clinical Psychology, General Psychology, Cognitive Science and Consultancy (Family) in its certificate program. The majors offered for certificate program are: Consultancy and Psychology.

Fatemeh Sheikh(MSc)
Head of Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Certificate Programs :

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
  • Child and adolescent sexual education
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • Pre-Marital Counseling
  • Life Skills Coaching
  • Full Course of Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • Cognitive Therapy in Divorce
  • Marital Therapy
  • Sex Therapy
